Hi-Viz: The Mantle of Health & Safety I

Hi-Viz Emporium in Parson's Green

One thing I noticed early on in my time here was the popularity of wearing florescent yellow when cycling, doing construction work, or possibly even, knitting a sweater. It’s just everywhere.

A blurry shot of school kids on a walk with hi viz.

Why being swathed in what is locally known as, “hi-viz” is a source of such comfort to the locals, I’m not really sure. What I do know is that back on my home planet, my cycling jacket was black, and that the only thing to get me to consider wearing a bright yellow jacket was anĀ REI super clearance sale.

In an effort to try to explain the sheer volume of it worn around London, I’ve attempted to document any and all Hi-Viz sightings throughout a given day.

Unfortunately, there’s often just too much.
The other day, I saw an entire class of schoolchildren walk by, each one wearing a reflective vest. Unfortunately, my blackberry was a bit slow, and I only got the tail end of the reflective entourage.

Thus, I’ve decided to give this another go, only this time, I plan to document all the discernable (to yours truly, at least) reasons why Londoners choose to don their Hi-Viz

So, I left my house, and between here and work (640am departure) with a stop at physiotherapy near the train I managed to snap a pic of:

1. Hi Viz on a Scooter

2. Hi Viz when collecting litter

3. Hi Viz on a motorcycle.

4. Hi Viz Delivering Papers

5. Hi Viz Potentially Repairing Scooters

6. Hi Viz tidying the train






















7. Hi Viz Having a Chat

8. Hi Viz Fixing the Pavement

9. Hi Viz on a folding bike












10. Hi Viz at Breakfast


…and this is all before 9:00!